Thank you for logging into the coincidence survey! You may answer as many or as little of the questions as you'd like to. Please follow the instructions below to answer the survey questions listed in bold. Let's get started!
Before I give you the questions, it is important to know what we are talking about! Here is the definition given on
Coincidence; noun, a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.
This definition quotes, "apparently by mere chance" because some coincidences seem like random strokes of luck. For example, when you are feeling the desire for a certain restaurant while on a long drive, and then see that restaurant happens to be located in the next town ahead. In this scenario the coincidence seems random and does not hold much of a depth or meaning. Other coincidences you may have experienced are more personal, meaningful, and exciting. Those kinds of coincidences, just to give one example, may appear in the form of seeing a road sign or an animal that you gain some insight or message through, based on what you are thinking or feeling at the time. This message received in the "coincidence" could make life long impacts. Maybe from that moment of coincidence, everything suddenly seems a lot less random in life. Coincidence has many definitions and we look forward to reading the answers you have to the questions on this survey! Thank you very much for taking the time to participate with us In A New Way!
1. Do you experience coincidences on a daily basis?
2. How have you experienced coincidence in your life?
3. Have you ever felt like some events in your life have to have been more than just a mere coincidence? If yes, and if you feel comfortable sharing, please share some examples of what you have felt was more than coincidence in your life.
4. Think about all the relationships in your life that are important to you. Was there anyone who seemed to show up at a perfect time? Do you believe that your meeting was destiny/fate, or coincidence? Do you believe that you were meant to meet this person or that it was sheer luck that brought this valuable person to you? Explain!
5. Do you believe in coincidence? (Why do you/why do you not?)
Thank you very much! Please submit your answers in the form of a comment!
Follow these instructions:
1. In the comment section at the bottom of this page, click the box to leave a comment.
2. Type the number of the question you are answering.
3. Type your most worthwhile answer to the corresponding question. Show respect, decency, & answer honestly!
To make it clear as possible: 1. Type “1.” 2. Answer the first survey question up above. (In this survey, “Do you experience coincidences on a daily basis?”) 3. Answer any of the questions you feel are beneficial to others by answering. 4. Please share honestly and show respect, as well as being clean in your language! Thank you and I look forward to reading your answers!
1. Do you experience coincidences on a daily basis?
Yes I do! I have had many days where I have not been aware of my surroundings enough to be able to notice, but I know for a fact that coincidences happen pretty much all the time! Noticing them more and more is an exciting and sometimes even freaky experience. I have been learning to be open and accept the blessing to be able to pick up on little things and get more in touch with the illusion of coincidence. It is profound to recognize the coincidences in my life!
2. How do you experience coincidence in your life?
Everything from seeing numbers that are meaningful to hearing a song lyric that touches me right when I need it. Coincidences are always happening in many different and wonderful ways!
3. Have you ever felt like events in your life have to have been more than just a mere coincidence? If so and you feel comfortable sharing, please share some examples of what you have felt was more than coincidence in your life.
When all is said and done, I believe that most if not all coincidence is indeed more than just "coincidence" I believe it is much cooler than that. There is too much in our lives that points to coincidence being more than a random chance happening. What some call good/bad luck, or random coincidence, I call Divine timing.
4. Think about an important person in your life who seemed to show up at the perfect time when you needed them. Do you believe that your meeting was destiny/fate, or coincidence? Do you believe that you were meant to meet this person or that it was sheer luck that brought this valuable person to you? Please expand on why you may or may not feel this way if you feel comfortable.
Most people I have met in my life have a reason for being there. I have met many people just to part ways with them the next hour or day. From those people I have taken with me some advice or experiences that were invaluable. I believe that there is a purpose for all the real connections in our lives, whether the connection is for a minute or a lifetime. I know that there is a reason for everything that has happened in my life and a reason for all the people who are or have been in it. I am thankful for all of you who are currently in my life and for those of you who are making your way in through this business and website!
5. Do you believe in coincidence? (Why do you or why do you not?)
To put it short and simple no. I do not believe anything is just a coincidence, I have seen how all is connected. There is no such thing as coincidence in my life, so paying attention to the coincidental things that happen is very important and also very helpful to me! Though I do not read omens or try to predict the future (anymore), I can see the coincidences as a sort of synchronicity that allows me to see life for what it is, and be motivated in knowing that everything I do, say, and think has meaning. Everything can either bring a positive or a negative outcome to the world as well as in our bodies, minds, and spirits. I thank you all for reading my answers to this survey! Please take the few minutes of time yourself, I would love to hear what you have to say on this phenomenon!